Moscow State University building (and, to a lesser extent, the rest of Stalin’s seven sisters) has to be my favourite building in Russia. Though people might consider the traditional architecture of Russia one of the country’s biggest draws, seeing this behemoth up close was one of the first things I did when I got to Moscow – only Red Square and St. Basil’s were higher up my list.
Plenty of people have slated the building for being ugly, or intimidating, but that’s exactly why I love it. It’s just so iconic and I think instantly sums up the zeitgeist of the Soviet Union. It’s perfectly symmetrical and it’s numerous points are pretty artistic. It reminds me of a villain’s mansion on a kids’ TV show.
I think the building is a landmark in the truest sense of the world – it is instantly recognisable as a symbol of Moscow, and yet not as touted as the Eiffel Tower or Statue of Liberty. The building is situated on the top of Moscow’s highest point, Sparrow Hills, which has amazing views of the city. It is definitely a must-see in Moscow.