Having not been abroad now since July, I’ve spent quite a bit of my free time over the last few months exploring more of Manchester, and one thing I’ve found myself doing more of is taking photos. Having finally cast off the shackles of my medieval Blackberry at the end of August, I now have a fairly decent camera in my pocket at all times thanks to my new Samsung. Which has led directly to my latest obsession: instagram.
Now obviously instagram is not the best photo-editing app you can find (I’m still getting to grips with Snapseed), but I was inspired by this post from AdventurousKate to showcase some of my instagram work. I am by no means a great photographer, but I really do like instagram; not only is it helping me to seek out great photos, but also to view Manchester in a whole new light. And no, I don’t just mean black and white.
If you like my photos, you can follow me here.
Hidden depths
This is a shot I’m particularly proud of. Taken from the top floor of the University of Manchester John Rylands Library, it’s a view of the rooftops of the university’s older buildings. The quality is pretty poor as it’s an old shot from my Blackberry, but after playing around with filters, I managed to restore half of the frame, which had been obscured due to poor lighting.
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On the go
This is another shot I like as I took it on the way to work one morning. It’s a view I love, but this wasn’t taken from the best place to capture it. Having played about with the settings on the tram, I ended up with a photo I really like. Not bad for a 2-second stop on the way to work.
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Obligatory food shot
Obviously the real purpose of instagram is to take photos of food. Jumping enthusiastically onto the bandwagon, here is a shot from Revolucion de Cuba.
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Here is the full collection of my shots from Manchester, one of my favourite cities. #iheartmcr
For more, follow me: jpilkington09
I really like your Instagram pics, especially the first one!! It’s such a good idea to take pictures of your hometown, it’s so easy to go through everyday and not notice your surroundings.
Thank you! It’s really made me look at Manchester in a completely different way.