Interested about what it’s like to live in Dusseldorf? I wrote this post back in 2015, to celebrate a full year of living in the city, but have made sure to keep it up-to-date. I still live in Germany and still love it, but I am now living in Cologne instead. If you have any questions about moving to Dusseldorf, the area of Germany, then comment below and I will do my best to answer!
While I absolutely love living in Germany and currently have no urge to return to the UK, I do spend a lot of my time complaining about trivial things and pining for British comforts. So much so, I thought I would sum up the relative joys and disappointments of expat life in Dusseldorf into the good, the bad – and the praktisch.
I have also decided to fill the post with unrelated photos of Dusseldorf, because – well it’s a pretty little city.
Living in Dusseldorf: The good
Obviously the vast majority of life here falls into this category, but it’d be a bit boring if I didn’t name some specifics.
German food
OK, hands down, the best thing about living in Germany is the food. German food is goooooood. Admittedly, if you don’t like the combination of meat and carbs you might struggle a bit, but once you embrace it: nom, nom, nom.
Don’t believe me? Try Currywurst. Eat Schnitzl. Then eat Jägerschnitzl (Schnitzl with a creamy mushroom sauce). Order a side salad (they are huge). Go to any German bakery. Head to any of these burger restaurants. Sample literally one hundred different types of sausage. Scoff down the best kebab of your life. You will love it.
More on German food in NRW:
Top 5 best burgers in Dusseldorf
The top 6 restaurants in Dusseldorf
A food guide to Cologne
The active lifestyle
One of my favourite things about Dusseldorf (and Germany in general) is how active everyone is. If you go to the park on a sunny day, instead of masses of sunbathers, everyone there is doing something: running, jogging, cycling, football, Frisbee – you name it. And running isn’t just for the superfit, everyone runs here.
I often feel in the UK people classify themselves either as sporty or non-sporty and if you’re non-sporty, any activity is a no-no. I’m not trying to make Germany sound like a utopia, but here sport really is a non-negotiable part of life. My gym membership (at FitX), for instance, is €14.99/month, which is the norm. Sport in Germany isn’t a luxury, it’s a necessity.
Cost of living in Dusseldorf
Living costs here in Dusseldorf is low. Really low. (Admittedly, this might be something to do with the fact taxes are really high, but hey – let’s look on the bright side). And getting by here on the average wage is generally pretty easy – at least compared to my previous experience of living in the UK (Manchester) and Russia (St. Petersburg).
Firstly: food and drink. Eating out in Dusseldorf is very reasonable. Generally speaking, a main meal will cost €10-12 (about £8-10). A glass of white wine is normally around €4, but you can pick up a decent bottle in any supermarket for the same. (That’s right – a bottle of wine for under €5). But the real winner is rent. I spend just 20% of my wages on rent. Not too shabby, eh?
To compare the cost of living in Dusseldorf with another city, you can use this site here: Numbeo.
Green spaces in Dusseldorf
I’ve said it plenty of times before but now spring has sprung, I feel reminded of it all over again: Düsseldorf is such a beautiful, green city. You’re never far from a park here. Check out some more photos of the city here.
International & expat life in Dusseldorf
Another huge perk of living in Dusseldorf is its proximity to other countries: Paris, Brussels and Amsterdam are all an easy train ride away. In fact, you could drive to Holland in less than 30 minutes. The city’s location, coupled with the number of multinational companies based here (L’Oreal, Henkel, trivago to name a few…) creates a pretty great international atmosphere.
Expat life in Dusseldorf: the bad
Now, despite all those lovely, important things, life as a British expat in Germany can still be pretty difficult. And while I don’t wish to offend anyone, I feel obliged to show both sides of the story, so here we are…
Banking (a.k.a. “Sorry, do you take card here?”)
While living in Germany, it’s often useful to remind yourself that there are futuristic countries out there where you can make purchases using contactless payment. Germany, meanwhile, is still partying like it’s 1979: it is almost impossible to pay on card anywhere and in the few places you can, most retailers will insist you sign instead of using this new-fangled ‘chip and pin.’
It gets worse: if you have an account with Deutsche Bank, you can only get money out from a Deutsche Bank cash machine (*and a small list of others), otherwise you’ll be charged at least €4.75.
And what about online payments, I hear you ask. German standard bank cards don’t have a three-letter security code on the back, so a lot of online retailers are out of the question. Instead, most German companies will ask for payment by online bank transfer. That’s right: direct debit.
I’ve even heard that paying by cheque is still a common practice. Ridiculous.
German Airports – I don’t like them
German airports are a real pet-peeve of mine: they’re just crap. Us Brits have airports down to a fine art – Manchester Airport is like a beautiful, well-oiled machine. Here, all the good stuff is on the wrong side of security, where you’ll spot at least five people to each conveyor belt just stood around, doing absolutely nothing. Amateurs.
English Breakfast Tea
Admittedly, not being able to get a decent cup of tea is a harrowing problem faced by British expats around the world. However, the problem in Germany is a bit different: Germans think they know tea. And more importantly, they think they know what English Breakfast Tea is. In Germany, tea is abundant. Everyone loves tea. But to Germans, tea should be herbal, green, mint, peppermint or fruity.
Anything that isn’t, they like to assume is ‘English tea.’ Which means you’ll order yourself a lovely English Breakfast Tea – as advertised – and end up with a pot of Earl Grey that you can’t even bring yourself to look at. The agony.
I miss British food
The food issue is a double-edged sword. A short summary of the food I miss most would go as follows: Sunday roast dinners, Full English breakfast, proper bacon, Yorkshire puddings, Terry’s chocolate orange, decent Chinese food, decent Indian food, Wagamama’s – and embarrassingly – I actually do miss fish and chips.
Luckily there is a handy English shop in both Cologne and Bonn for when times get tough.
Expat life in Dusseldorf: the weather
Let’s be honest, the weather in the UK isn’t great. It’s mild most of the year and yes – it does rain a lot more than other places. But do you know where you could find a similar climate? Dusseldorf.
Now, if you spoke to your average Dusseldorfer about the weather, you might be tricked into thinking the city is actually found in the Caribbean, such is the huge amount of shock they muster when it rains – which is often. They will even go out of their way to chat to you about the English weather the city is experiencing, that is to say, the phenomenon of rain. I once failed to make it to 9am before someone felt the need to point out to me that it was raining, as if I was somehow to blame. They’ll even talk about how grey London is, rather than how grey it is outside the office window most days.
So let’s look at some facts (via Wikipedia climate info – 1981-2010):
AVG ANNUAL HIGH TEMP | 14.79 | 15.2 |
AVG ANNUAL RAINFALL | 797.6mm | 601.7mm |
AVG HOURS SUNSHINE | 1,554.9 | 1,632.6 |
Sorry, Mr. Dusseldorfer, looks like London is warmer, dryer and sunnier (which is actually fairly depressing).
I have no idea why Brits are convinced German trains are efficient and punctual to a tee. Every single train I’ve been on with Deutsche Bahn has experienced some small delay – and they’re not cheap, either.
For more help travelling within Germany from Dusseldorf, check out this post I wrote for Life at trivago: Top tips for travelling within Germany.
Expat life in Dusseldorf: The praktisch

Working with a work from the old trivago offices in Dusseldorf
We’ve had the good, we’ve had the bad – now it’s time for the praktisch, that is to say the little aspects of life here that are just so, well, German.
Just to explain: the German word ‘praktisch’ actually just means ‘practical’ but is used quite often to mean ‘good’ or ‘great’, to the point where someone describing your purchase as praktisch (whether it’s a jacket, a car or a bar of chocolate) feels like some small honour.
Crossing the road
When it comes to inherently German things, this has to be number one. It is a cardinal sin to cross the road in Germany if the traffic light is on red. The road could be entirely devoid of cars or have not seen a motorised vehicle in years but you have to wait for the green man.
If you don’t, people will audibly tut or even reprimand you. And for some reason, doing so in the presence of a child is pure blasphemy – I lived with Germans in Leipzig who wouldn’t even joke about it.
Be warned: this is also the habit that you are most likely to take home with you to the UK, without you even realising.
More great sites on living in Dusseldorf:
Life in Dusseldorf
Dddorf on Tumblr
Mr. Dusseldorf (in German)
Everything in Germany is shut on Sundays
Everything is shut on a Sunday in Germany. Everything. At first, I hated this, but you soon get used to it and come summer, it’s actually quite refreshing to be forced to do something active.
Living in Germany: Rules
This is one stereotype that is 100% true: Germans love rules. Just recently, during the city’s Night of the Museums festival, I was about to leave the Filmmuseum and head to another directly in front of the building. The door at the front was serving as the impromptu entrance and the one to the rear as the exit. As there was no-one entering and I could physically see the next museum, I asked the man on the door if I could nip through the entrance door, shaving 500m off my walk. Predictably, he told me no because ‘that’s not how it works.’
Life in Dusseldorf: It’s always time for a beer
And finally, the big love of all Germans: beer. Germany has a great beer culture – it’s not all about getting drunk, rather the genuine love of beer. Alcohol-free beer is a popular drink of choice in Germany and bottled Radler (basically shandy) is just as common as any full-strength.
Whatever the occasion, it’s always time for beer.
Anything else to add about expat life?
Comment below!
Love this post; makes me yearn for the motherland once more. That being said, you are 100% wrong about the chinese food – Germany does a sweet and sour that no English take-away can even hope to achieve.
– Ashliegh
Thanks for your comment, though you are 100% wrong. I have yet to eat even a half decent Chinese here in Germany – not one place I’ve tried could hold a candle to any takeaway in Salford.
Prove me wrong, Ashliegh. Prove me wrong.
Sorry it has taken me so long to reply, I was holding back the rage at your ignorance and lie telling. Chinese take aways in Germany are nothing short of an artform…chinese takeaways in England are far too brightly coloured for my liking. You know me, I don’t like to harp on, but I have yet to find a single chinese take away in the UK where the sweet and sour is not neon pink – it’s obscene.
In my old mothercity of Muenster we had the be all and end all of dining locations – ‘The Chindian’ it’s not hard to guess what delights this held and while at some point it did have some sort of traditional chinese/indian/german name (you know the sort) new managers accepted the squaddie’s affectionate nickname and it was renamed as appropriate. At this wonderous site you could buy chicken fried rice that, I assume for child friendly-ness reasons, was named ‘The Pikachu’. I am sure you will agree that edible pokemon alone wins me this argument.
Kind regards,
Happy 1-year Dussedorfiversary!
A lot of your annoyances are ones I can relate to, too. The Sunday thing was once annoying, but you’re right—you get used to it and now I kind of like it. Except when I’m out of groceries!
I do wish Germany would get its act together in regards to credit cards and banking, though. How else am I going to collect air miles?!
The banking situation is by far the worst thing. I just NEVER have enough cash on me – it’s been a year and constantly going to cash points just still hasn’t become a habit.
The Sunday thing is actually quite nice in summer. Can’t go shopping? Let’s go on a bike ride. The German life, eh?
I’m surprised about the banking – what happened to Germany’s famous modernism and efficiency? I feel your pain on the lack of decent tea. It happens all over Europe and you always have to ask for milk!
I know what you mean – Germany is Europe’s financial powerhouse and yet you can’t even pay on card in a restaurant. Supposedly it’s because Germans are too tight to pay the 8 cents per transaction…
It was cool to read this article, since I am also an expat living/studying in Germany, and really close to Düsseldorf.
I would love to reply about all the points you’ve mentioned, but that would be just annoying…
Anyway, despite I’m from Southamerica, even I got kind of surprised about the “EC/KC-Karte-Problem” here, until I spoke to a German about it and he gave me a pretty reasonable answer about that:
“We just don’t want the banks (and the government) to know about what we spend our money on everytime we buy something.”
Well, I guess there’s no need to implement credit card payment everywhere if there’s not enough demand…
Thanks for your comment Santiago! It was also explained to me that restaurants and businesses don’t want to pay the charge per transaction, as they are too worried about getting into debt. Either way, it’s a very strange situation when the rest of Europe is going contactless and cashless!
Awwww… you made me miss Düsseldorf! Not the rain though, I was so depressed last summer when Finland had the best, sunniest and hottest summer ever, and I was standing in the rain in Düsseldorf. Anyway, I still remember the day I met you like yesterday. Can’t believe it was over a year ago!
Haha, but the rain is an essential part of the Dusseldorf experience! Time flies, doesn’t it?
Hahaha, Great read.
Did you know that you can withdraw free of charge at a postbank or commerzbank? 🙂
I did know that but they are so rare!
I come from Italy and I lived in Duss for 3 years. I agree with most of the points BUT I can’t on “German food is goooooood.” 🙂
However, I can say that the good thing about Duss is the possibility to try many different international restaurants, which is very rare in Italy.
Good luck for your Duss experience! 🙂
p.s.which company are you working at?
Haha, I had a big debate at work about this: my French and Italian colleagues couldn’t believe that I liked German food, but as a Brit I think it’s great 😀
Do you miss living in Dusseldorf at all?
I work for trivago 🙂
Moscow is pretty awesome but it is SO remote, compared to many European cities. It is such a sore point for me. I’m surprised Dusseldorf isnt very expensive (but then again, ruble to euro isnt a good math match right now), and I love parks, but I am never never never going to get on board with the ‘everything is closed on Sundays’ business.
The Sunday thing really does take a lot of getting used to… They are ending the Manchester to Moscow route from EasyJet soon – such a shame. I know so many people who want to visit MSK but the visa puts them off. I think that more than anything makes the city feel remote…
You have a point. My best friend and her bf were gonna come for a week in June (even paid for the invitations!), but pulled the plug at the last minute bc of the whole visa process and uncertainty.
And Russia and EU were working really hard on visa-less travel, and then this whole Ukraine nightmare happened…
Hey, thanks for the post! Out of curiosity, I’ve read that getting a kitchen in your flat in Germany is a bit of a rarity (wtf?) and I’d like to know a little bit about how much life actually costs there.
How well would you be able to live on an annual net salary of about €22000? I really like doing my own cooking, and have pretty inexpensive hobbies (collecting music, books, going to the gym, etc.)
Really appreciate it 🙂
Hi Sid, that thing about kitchens is definitely true, but I would say that most rental places will let you “take over” ownership of the kitchen when you move in – for a (large) price. Renting unfurnished is also rare here, but you can normally buy some furniture from the previous tenant.
In terms of living costs, these vary hugely from city to city. I’m told that Frankfurt, Munich and Dusseldorf are generally the most expensive places to live, while Berlin and Leipzig are the cheapest. Whereabouts are you looking?
Thanks for the reply! Dusseldorf is where I might be moving. How do you think that would be?
I’d say you’ll be fine – I started off on a similar salary when I first moved here and didn’t face many problems. I would opt for a shared flat instead of a studio and look at areas around Flingern and Oberbilk where the rents tend to be lower, but all in all I think you’ll be fine!
A gym membership for €14.99 a month? I just arrived for study year in Germany and I’m struggling to find any membership for under €35. Where is this gym in Dusseldorf exactly?
I’m a member of FitX – they have gyms all across Northern Germany. You can find your closest one here: http://fitx.de/studios
I think Fitness First are also meant to be a good budget option?
Good day John,
I see that you have had a great experience relocating to Dusseldorf, I found your blog searching for more information about Dusseldorf because an opportunity knocked on my door to apply for a job at Trivago, for what I have seen it looks like a great place to work, would you recommend a relocation like that for a family of three? everything seems great but even if I heard about a salary I wouldn’t even know how much is needed to sustain a decent living in Dusseldorf, hope you can help someone like me to make a difficult choice 🙂
Hi Eduardo, thanks for your comment. Unfortunately I’m really not in a position to advise relocation for a family of three – I’m a single 25yo currently living in a shared flat so my lifestyle and outgoing would be very different to yours. My advice would be to check out sites like salzundbrot.com and immobilienscout24.de to see how rent would shape up for a family flat.
Hi John!
I also found your blog when researching some info on living in Düsseldorf 🙂 …. I have been living in Berlin for the past four years and I love this city! It’s hard to imagine moving somewhere else in Germany but my partner could be getting a job there so our family of 4 would be movin’ on over there! The rain thing tho… Uh not cool. But everything you’ve said seems to be spot on about the Germans haha. And for sure no good Chinese food! I’ve had Chinese once in the 4 years I’ve lived here. Never again. But we have tons of other great Asian food here in Berlin so I survive. My question is – could you maybe break down the best few areas to live in!?
Thanks a lot!
Hi Britt,
Thanks for your comment! There’s a few good places to live in Dusseldorf: *Bilk* has a lot of cafes, boutique shops and bars and quite a popular area and *Flingern* is the heart of Dusseldorf’s ‘hipster’ scene – but I’d say Pempelfort or Derendorf have probably got the most family-friendly feel. Both have a handful of shops and cafes, but there’s some parks too. I see a lot of families around these areas.
Hope that helps!
If you bank with Deutsche Bank you can withdraw money from Postbank, Commerzbank, Berliner Bank and HypoVereinsbank Automaten for free.
This is true, Yikucha – I just there was more of them around!
Great post – very praktisch!!! that is said from a German who lives now since 8 years in London.
The things I can’t overcome as a German living in UK are that:
– Really everybody thinks I’m efficient only because I’m German. That is a stereotype I guess will never disappear
– Everybody is surprised when I make a joke… A German making a joke??? That is (a) impossible and (b) hits the British people always entirely unprepared.
– Everybody thinks I must be good in playing football and everybody seem to love our Autobahnen also they are exactly the same as in UK!
Say hi to good old Dusseldorf Altstadt and enjoy the Alt Bier!
I am about to sign a contract with a telecom vendor for a permanent position in Dusseldorf. I m single, Could u guide me the approximate per month rent for a single room/studio appartment?
Hi Maharaja – thanks for your comment.
The location and size of the apartment obviously factor in the price but I don’t think you would struggle to find something in the price range of €350-500 per month. But be prepared to pay for a fitted kitchen!
Hope that helps.
How much would be average cost of living for a family with one child icluding approximate rent of a 2 bedroom apartment? I can understand it can only be approximate values but that would help me understand if 55K euros is a descent pay.
Thanks for your comment, Ram.
Unfortunately as a single gay man in his mid-twenties I have literally no idea what the living costs for a child would be – let a lone a family. I’m also not sure what the rent of a two-bedroom flat would be, as I looked only for studios or one-beds. I’d suggest you hunt around the forums at ToyTown or check out some listings at Salz und Brot and Immowelt (both sites for flat rental). Best of luck!
You mentioned you are a single gay guy. Do you have any idea how welcoming Dusseldorf would be for a lesbian couple with a child? Where we live in the US, there are plenty of families like ours (relatively speaking). Would we be pretty much the only one in Dussedorf? How would we be treated?
Apologied for the late reply. Germany is pretty liberal when it comes to same-sex couple though gay marriage is still not legal. Düsseldorf is also a pretty big city so I doubt you’ll be the only one of anything really. Cologne is probably the gay capital of Germany and that’s a short train journey away.
Really interesting reading your blog. I’m here at the moment for an interview and trying to get a feel for the place but sounds like you would definitely recommend a move here!!
Off to try one of your restaurant recommendations!! Thanks
Ohhh John, there are so many things I can say in response to this post, haha it was absolutely worth the whole read!
– You’re right about the food, even as a “chicketarian” … (yes, I just used that term) there is so much to eat and it’s so (devilishly delicious)!
– Being Active: I LOVE that everyone rides their bike here. In Canada you would be teased if someone saw you riding a bike.
– Banking: OMG yes, I feel your frustration! However, I just got a DB card and am so thankful that you can take out money free of charge from Postbank and Commerzbank too (and a few others that I don’t remember)
– Crossing the road, sunday’s, beer… oh man this post is amazing!!
BUT, the nature was by far my favorite part, it’s funny… we have so much nature unexplored in Canada because we all stay in the city, but there’s less nature in germany, enjoyed by many and it’s so beautiful! My favorite place is defintiely the Botanischer Gartens at the Uni Klinikum though (http://lifeinduesseldorf.com/botanischer-garten/) … partially because it’s right by my apartment (and I’m lazy) haha!
Haha, it’s so funny that almost all expats seem to comment on the same thinngs! The nature aspect really surprises me though – all I think of when I think of Canada is rivers, trees and forests. I guess here it is a lot more accessible? I really miss the Volksgarten/Suedpark now I’m moved to Cologne – that was THE perfect place for running!
Thanks for your comment, Jenna!
Hello John,
I really liked your post, I found it very helpful for a decision that I have to make. I would love to have some tips from you if that’s okay with you. Me and my girlfriend (both from Cyprus) are moving in Germany this summer for our studies! We are thinking about moving either in Düsseldorf, Köln or Dortmund. We also considered Berlin but I’ve heard that in NRW students can pay 272 Euro per semester and get a ticket which can be used to travel all across the state and use all the transportation possibilities, so we decided to move in NRW. I’m not sure if you have visited those towns yet but I would be very glad to hear a general opinion. Some more information about us, I have the Test-DAF certificate and probably going to take a gap-year before studies so I can find a temporary job and my girlfriend has A2 certificate and will learn the language for about a year and then study. We both are adventurous, open-minded, love nature and sports. I understand that is hard for you to give us a specific advice but even a small tip would be very helpful 🙂
Hi Thanos,
Thanks for your comment. I lived in Dusseldorf for 2 years and moved to Cologne 2 months ago, so I definitely say both these cities are great. Dusseldorf is quite family-oriented and feels quite small and posh, but the Altstadt is a wild party zone. Cologne is a very big, very open city and a bit edgier. Dortmund I don’t know much about but the airport had great budget flights and I hear rent there is very very cheap. In Cologne it’s actually quite hard to find an apartment.
Hope that helps!
Great site. Used to live around the Monchengladbach area when I was a kid. Really want to take my wife and son for a holiday there? What are the hotels and public transport like? Is it true there’s a lot of Japanese buildings in Dusseldorf?
Hi Rob, thanks for your comment. There’s not so many Japanese buildings in Dusseldorf (just a few in the Nordpark and the Japanese culture centre in Oberbilk), but there is a really cool Japanese quarter with lots of karaoke bars and sushi restaurants.
In terms of public transport, Dusseldorf is brilliant – very easy to get around. They actually just opened a new underground line this year!
Bitteschon! As mentioned I lived around Monchengladbach but would go through Dusseldorf to get to the airport and thinking how futuristic it looked. One sad but true point you touched on is that in the UK exercise IS a luxury and that goung shopping is the number one leisure pass time.
Hi, Great post!
I’m planning to move to Dusseldorf very soon for 1 – 2 years, but I can’t speak Germany at all (maybe I will try to learn it later).
So, what do you think ? Is Dusseldorf will still be pleasant place to live for me as an expat ?
Hi Bob, I don’t think you’ll have too much trouble with language barriers in Dusseldorf. The city is very international, and apparently every 7th resident was born outside of Germany. But if you’re looking to learn German while you’re here, check out this guide to language courses: http://lifeinduesseldorf.com/language-courses-in-dusseldorf/
Hello John,I enjoyed Your blog on staying in Dusseldorf…I only wanted to ask you how hard is to get an job there to be exact in tourism and hotels section,and is the city expensive overall and is it a trouble if I dont speak german(i speak it little bit).
Hi Anthon, I moved to Dusseldorf with a job already sorted so I have no experience of finding a job here. Sorry I can’t be more helpful!
Hi liked your blog very interesting. I’m a American and moving to Düsseldorf area next year some time. I live north of Seattle so the rain wont bother me. I’m learning German now. So is there any thing a American should know about this area of Germany and how the Germans treat Americans. Please give me links or web pages to look up. Oh i’m 56 and a shemale so how does this area of Germany treat shemale’s if you know. Thank you.
Do you ever visit Monchengladbach? Is the building with the car in the wall still there? Also the giant Ma§a? Used to love Reydt Park. Lived in the Rheindahlen military complex (as well as Bruggen) nearby. Roermond and Venlo are nice cities to visit
Hi Rob, I’ve never been to Monchengladbach unfortunately – only passed through on the train a few times.
Hi John,
I am about to come in Düsseldorf to study German language.
What is the cheapest area that I can rent a single room? Can you tell me approximately how much a single room is a month?
And I am a black student. Do you think that Düsseldorf will be a safe place for me?
Thank you
Hi Djaoid, thanks for your comment. Germany is a very liberal open country and I wouldn’t expect to experience any more racism than you would in France or the UK.
In terms of areas to live, Oberbilk, Flingern or Eller are probably the cheapest but the price of rooms really depends on size, etc.
I am french, living north of London currently and … beginning to search for details about life in Dusseldorf as we might move soon with our family. Your post is really interesting ! Do you still live there?
Hi Odile, thanks for your comment. I moved to Cologne back in March but I still work in Dusseldorf 🙂
Hi John,
Loved your post. I’ve got an opportunity to move to Dusseldorf and was doing some research around where I should be living, cost, etc. anything I should be especially mindful of? From what I could see, rent would be more than 20% of my wages.
Any help would be really appreciated.
Warm Regards,
Hi Mark, if you don’t know it already there’s a great blog called Life in Dusseldorf that should give you more insight into life in the city 🙂